奥塔哥大学-Master of Marketing
入学要求:立思辰留学360老师介绍,本科毕业,双非均分85%以上 ,985/211的话均分80%,主要看本科期间的专业课均分。雅思要求6.5分,单项不低于6.0
学费: 整个课程学费43073纽币。
Three compulsory papers (20 points each):
MART 460 Research Methods
MART 461 Marketing Theory
MART 462 Advanced Marketing Analysis
Four of the following elective papers, including at least two MART papers (20 points each):
BSNS 401 The Environment of Business and Economics
ENTR 411 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
ENTR 415 New Venture Strategy
MANT 454 Global Management
MART 448 Advanced Business Analytics
MART 463 Food Marketing
MART 464 Consumer Behaviour
MART 465 Retailing
MART 466 Digital Marketing
MART 467 Tourism Marketing
MART 468 Branding
MART 469 Advertising Planning and Concept Development
MART 470 Special Topic in Marketing
a suitable alternative as approved by the Head of the Department of Marketing
Plus one of the following project papers (40 points each):
MART 501 Applied Project
MART 580 Research Project