惠灵顿维多利亚大学-Master of International Trade
Include four courses worth 120 points in Part 1:
Multidisciplinary Approaches to International Trade (ITRA 501)
International Political Economy (INTP 441)
International Trade Law (LAWS 504)
Economics of International Trade (MMPE 516)
Include further courses worth 60 points in Part 2 from:
Development Theory (DEVE 511)
Development Practice (DEVE 512)
Development Policy and Management (GOVT 519)
Special Topic: War and its Aftermath (INTP 427)
Analysis of International Cooperation (INTP 429)
China and the World (INTP 444)
Approaches to International Relations (INTP 586)
Research Project (INTP 589)
Special Topic: Corporate Governance (LAWS 521)*
Special Topic: Global Issues in Intellectual Property (LAWS 524)
Special Topic: Reading Legal Classics (LAWS 532)*
Special Topic: Regulating Labour and Work (LAWS 533)
Special Topic: The Law and the Future (LAWS 535)
Special Topic: Law and Global Governance (LAWS 540)
Special Topic: International Arbitration (LAWS 543)
SPECIAL TOPIC: International Law in the Asia-Pacific Region (LAWS 545)
Special Topic: Indigenous Land Issues in the Pacific and New Zealand (LAWS 548)
Legal Writing (LAWS 582)
Kaupapa Turua/Special Topic (MAOR 510)
Kaupapa Rangahau/Research Essay (25%) (MAOR 589)
Information, institutions and markets (MMPE 505)
Invasive Species, Biosecurity and Law (BIOL 405)
Special Topic: New Zealand Foreign and Security Policy (STRA 534)
Other approved courses