Thank you for all your continuous trust and support to NSIA! We are proud to announce that we have received our final NZQA EER report and you will be able to access it soon on the NZQA website.
感谢各位对NSIA一如既往的信任和支持! 我们很开心的向各位宣布我们的NZQA评估报告已经出台. 各位不久就可以在NZQA的网站上看到全文.
Highlights from the report: (报告要点)
“NSIA has been awarded the National Training Excellence award for six years in succession. This can be attributed to NSIA’s training programmes which have produced highly capable students whose skill levels have been proven to be higher than those of other providers as shown by their top students’ success at the Annual National Culinary Fare. These students are highly sought after by employers.”
由于NSIA高品质的教学培训,NSIA连续六年夺得新西兰酒店与餐饮业技能大赛“最佳培训学院奖”。 NSIA的众多学生获得新西兰酒店与餐饮业技能大赛大奖,这证明NSIA所培养的学生具有超过其他机构培养的学生的技能。同时, 这些学生受到雇主的欢迎和好评。
“The programmes offered at NSIA prepare students for success in gaining employment or to pathway to further study. NSIA ensures that the learning outcomes are relevant to industry needs. The value of the outcomes for the students is further confirmed by the employment of graduates often leading to permanent residency status, which is one of the preferred outcomes for students.”
“To ensure a dedicated contact process with prospective employers, NSIA has set up a career service team called CONNECT which offers a free placement consultation service both for work experience and ongoing employment. The CONNECT team also provides help with CV writing and interview skills training.”
“CONNECT staffs are successful in creating work experience and job opportunities for graduates through valuable contacts established with leading employers in the hospitality industry…”
“The organisation has up to 29 nationalities studying at any one time.”
NSIA 有来自29个国家的学生在同时学习。
“The results note that the systems in place are ensuring that records are kept accurately and appropriate criteria are used to determine fitness for enrolment, and that student support, including attendance requirements, is implemented consistently.”
检查结果表明NSIA有完善的系统以确保学生成绩被精确的记录和保存; 有正确的入学标准被应用于选择合适入读的学生;有足够的支持系统以确保始终如一的对学生的出勤等要求正确的监督和管理.
“NSIA notes an annual qualification completion rate of 87 per cent for both 2009 and 2010 across all programmes, which is above the national average of 77 per cent for private training establishments for level 5 and 6 qualifications.”
“High employment and further study outcomes are being achieved.”
“Programmes are delivered effectively by well-qualified and caring staff. Students interviewed at both sites noted that they are learning relevant specialist skills, techniques, and knowledge as well as gaining personal and professional confidence to enable them to perform their role confidently when in employment.”
NSIA的教师素质高并关爱学生。市中心及北岸校区的学生均反馈说,他们在学习专业的技能、技术和学识, 同时对自己和职业的信心也有很大提高, 这使他们在工作岗位上表现出极大的自信。
“The pastoral care and support of international students is commendable in scope and execution.”
“The evaluators were impressed by the level of internal review of the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students…”
“NSIA ensures that the learning outcomes are relevant to industry needs.”
“Students are gaining employment in jobs that reflect the skills they have learnt.”
“Students were very complimentary about their teachers and their ability to engage them in their learning and commented favourably on the balance of theory and practice in all three programmes.”
所有专业的学生均高度赞扬他们的教师和教师的教学能力。他们表示很喜欢教师们的教学方法, 并对各门课程中理论与实践的比例平衡非常满意。
“Feedback is very positive from those businesses working with the NSIA students, and similarly the students outlined their enjoyment and commitment to their appointments.”
“All cookery and hospitality staff are well qualified in their field and have comprehensive industry experience and qualifications and use actual, relevant industry-specific examples to enhance the student learning along with vocabulary lists of common terms used in the catering and hospitality industry. The General English teachers are also well qualified in their fields of expertise.”
“Students were very positive about their experiences at NSIA and reported that they are offered excellent academic and pastoral support, including one-to-one learning support and access to same-language support staff for both academic and personal needs. It was evident during discussions that the students regularly recommend the organisation to their friends, family, and colleagues.”
学生们对于他们在NSIA的学习经历的反馈是非常积极、肯定的。他们认为自己在学业和生活领域中均得到很好的支持, 其中包括一对一的学习辅导以及在学业和个人生活上均得到讲本语种的服务人员的帮助。很明显,讨论中学生们反映他们经常会向自己的朋友、家人以及同事推荐自己的学校。
We appreciate all your support and trust in the past 10 years and will endeavour to continue to provide the best quality and service to you and your students.
We will soon announce some more good news.
Best regards,