她是联合国教科文组织现任的“促进女童和妇女教育特使”,并在 2011 年被世界卫生组织任命为“世界结核病和艾滋病防治亲善大使”。
梅西大学(http://masseychina.com/)校长史蒂夫?马哈瑞说,梅西大学与中国有着长期而稳固的友好关系。梅西大学是最早接待中国大学校长来访的新西兰大学,是第一个与中国大学签署谅解备忘录的新西兰大学,也是第一个与中国的一流高等院校签订三方合作关系的新西兰大学。梅西大学目前拥有近 1800 名中国留学生,与多个中国高校和政府机构建立有合作伙伴关系,目前正在积极执行与落实的协议与合作项目高达约 70 个。
彭丽媛女士是北京大学的兼职教授。梅西大学通过三方合作协议与北京大学签订有学术协议。彭女士的专业学历始于 1978 年她入读山东艺术学院。
1981 年,她考入久负盛名的的中国音乐学院,在那那里攻读了民族声乐大专、本科和硕士学位。
China's First Lady Madame Peng Liyuan
Honorary doctorate for China’s First Lady
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Madame Peng Liyuan, First Lady to the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, will be conferred with an Honorary Doctorate of Literature from Massey University on Thursday at a special ceremony at the Wellington campus.
Madame Peng, an accomplished musician, renowned soprano, opera performer and Professor of Music, will receive her doctorate during a tour of the University's College of Creative Arts that coincides with the official visit to New Zealand of President Xi.
University Chancellor Chris Kelly, who will lead the ceremony, says the honorary degree is in recognition of Madame Peng’s international contributions to the performing arts and health and education programmes. She is the current United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation special envoy for the advancement of girls’ and women’s education and, in 2011, was appointed a World Health Organisation Goodwill Ambassador for Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
University Vice-Chancellor Steve Maharey says Massey University has a longstanding and strong relationship with China. It was the first New Zealand university to be visited by the president of a Chinese university, the first to sign a memorandum of understanding with a Chinese university, the first to sign a "tripartite" partnership with leading Chinese universities and it currently has close to 1800 students from China and about 70 active agreements and collaborations with Chinese university and government agency partners.
Madame Peng is an Adjunct Professor of Peking University, which Massey University has an academic agreement with through the tripartite agreement. Her academic record began in 1978 when she enrolled in the Shandong Arts Institute. In 1981 she was accepted into the prestigious China Conservatory of Music, where she completed a diploma, bachelor and master's qualification in ethnic vocal music.