ACG Sunderland is pleased to advise that there are a limited number of Academic Scholarships available.
These scholarships are awarded for up to three years to students in Years 1 to 12.
Students interested in study at Year 13 will also be considered on merit.
For successful scholarship recipients, the published tuition fee will be reduced by 30% for up to 3 years, subject to continued academic performance.奖学金的数额为每年学费的30%,减掉奖学金前后的学费数额如下:
Tuition Fees /学费
2013 published Tuition Fee/2013年学费 2013 Scholarship Tuition Fee/奖学金后的学费
Years 1 to 6/1-6年 $17,500 $12,250
Years 7 to 13/7-13年级 $20,000 $14,000
Scholarship selection criteria/奖学金申请者的要求:
All new student applications will be considered using the selection criteria below. Students who are selected for a tuition scholarship may be requested to either attend an interview at ACG Sunderland or be interviewed by telephone or Skype to ensure the selection criteria are met.
Selection criteria:
The applicant's current level of academic achievement and potential /申请者目前的学习成绩
The attitude and motivation of the student /学生是否积极向上有个好的态度。
The student's English language ability. /英语水平较好
Specific conditions are attached to the tuition scholarships/其他:
The student must be new to ACG /ACG的新生
The student must meet the academic and English language admissions requirements for ACG Sunderland /达到英语要求
The successful recipient will be eligible to receive the scholarship for up to three academic years /可以连续3年获得
The tuition and other fees must be paid in full for a 12-month period upon acceptance to enable a full year student visa to be issued. 学费一次性要付满12个月的时间,并且要有1整年的学生签证。