奥克兰大学连续第二年在《泰晤士高等教育》(times higher education)世界大学影响力排名中位列世界第1。新西兰的8所公立大学中的7所成功入围,奥克兰大学再次摘取榜单桂冠。这份全球首发的全新排名是为了衡量大学所能带来的广泛影响,为了展示大学在各个社群中所做出的贡献,强调大学为世界带来的与众不同的改变。影响力排名的指标包括医疗健康专业的毕业生人数、担任高级学术职位的女性比例以及有关就业保障的政策和实践。
总排名Overall ranking for impact (1st in the world)
SDG 14: Life below water (2nd in the world)
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals (3rd in the world)
SDG 15: Life on land (3rd in the world)
SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing (4th in the world)
SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy (5th= in the world)
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth (7th in the world)
SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions (7th in the world)
SDG 2: Zero hunger (8th in the world)
SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation (8th in the world)
SDG 5: Gender equality (9th in the world)
SDG 1: No poverty (11th in the world)
SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities (11th in the world)
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities (21st in the world)
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production (30th in the world)
SDG 4: Quality education (39th= in the world)
考古学Archaeology (#25 in the world)
教育学Education (#27 in the world)
药剂学/药理学Pharmacy & Pharmacology (#27 in the world)
运动学Sports-related subjects (#29 in the world)
地理学Geography (#30 in the world)
表演艺术学Performing Arts (#32 in the world)
工程学-土木建筑Engineering - Civil & Structural (#39 in the world)
英语语言与文学English Language and Literature (#39 in the world)
心理学Psychology (#40 in the world)
哲学Philosophy (#43 in the world)
护理学Nursing (#44 in the world)
人类学Anthropology (#45 in the world)
法学Law (#50 in the world)
QS Star(QS之星)是一个评估系统,可以使你确定哪些大学在您关心的特定主体中是最好的。比如对大学机构的详细观察,比如项目的强度、设施、毕业生就业的能力、社会责任和包容性等等因素。
QS同时给予各个大学一个了解自己优势与弱点的评价计划(QS Stars)计划,此计划并非排名,并与上述的各个大学排名有着不同的准则。所有参与此评核的大学都会获给予等星,“五星加”为最高等级而“一星”则为最低。
Times世界大学排名 奥克兰大学前200