

2012-02-17 13:47:40 新西兰留学云 4008-941-360





新西兰留学网http://www.xuenz.com)了解,新西兰Metro杂志每年都会有一个有关奥克兰学校排名的文章,前两年的排名得到了社会的重视,但是他们的排名标准也使得传统名校纷纷落榜。为此,今年的Metro7-8月号刊载Simon Wilson的文章,从学术角度探讨大奥克兰地区各中学的排名,新西兰教育联盟http://www.nzliuxue.com)金牌留学顾问李艳玲老师根据中国留学生的特点对这个名单做了一些补充阐述。

Metro杂志对奥克兰各中学的排名,首选的是大学录取率(UE)作为标准。目前新西兰各中学的学生在离校前,都会被评判是否达到能进入大学的能力,UE标准的门槛,要比政府设定的达标线,即NCEA的Level 2要高,也比以往的School Certificate高。UE标准是新西兰各高中最普遍的标准,所有本地的中学和大学都承认这个标准。


大学录取率UE标准-通过率(按2009学年所有学生离校时的UE通过率计算):1 Auckland International College. 2 Diocesan School for Girls. 3 St Cuthbert‘s College. 4 Kristin School. 5 King’s College. 6 St Mary‘s College. 7 Carmel College. 8 Epsom Girls Grammar School. 9 Baradene College. 10 St Kentigern College.

大学录取率UE标准-学生水准提升度(指2009学年学校努力提升学生达到大学录取标准的指标):1 McAuley High School. 2 St Mary’s College. 3 Sacred Heart College. 4 Dilworth School. 5 Carmel College. 6 Marist College. 7 St Dominic‘s College. 8 Rodney College. 9 Mt Roskill Grammar School.

IB Diploma(International Baccalaureate)成绩排名:1 Auckland International college (AIC). 2 Diocesan School for Girls. 3 Kristin College. 4 St Kentigern College.

剑桥考试制度学校Cambridge(CIE)通过成绩排名(按照IGCSE A通过奖学金标准的比例2010学年)1 Westlake girls’ High School. 2 Auckland Grammar. 3 Westlake Boys High School. 4 ACG Senior College. 5 Macleans College. 6 ACG Parnell College. 7 Kings College. 8 St Peter College. 9 Avondale College. 10 ACG Strathallan College. 11 Pinehurst School. 12 Wentworth College. 13 The Corelli School of the Arts. 14 Kelston Boy’s High school. 15 ACG Sunderland. 16 Carey College

NCEA标准 通过率(按照学校通过NCEA Level 1且成绩优良的比例 2007-2010学年,包含在11年级读NCEA的学生,不包含CIE学生):1 St Cuthbert‘s College. 2 Diocesan School for Girls. 3 Kristin College. 4 Carmel College. 5 Epsom Girls Grammar. 6 St Kentigern College. 7 Baradene College. 8 St Mary’s College. 9 Westmount School. 10 Marist College.

奖学金标准 通过率(按照学校13年级学生通过奖学金标准的比例 2007-2010学年):1 St Cuthbert‘s College. 2 Diocesan School for Girls. 3 Epsom Girls Grammar. 4 St Kentigern College. 5 Carmel College. 6 Westlake Boys High School. 7 Auckland Grammar. 8 Macleans College. 9 Marist College. 10 ACG Senior College.


2011年新西兰教育网http://www.edu.org.nz)统计奥克兰中学留学生口碑排名(按照中国留学生和家长口碑、学校学费和学校成绩排名):1 Auckland Grammar School. 2 Auckland International College. 3 ACG Senior College. 4 Macleans College. 5 Diocesan School for Girls. 6 Epsom Girls’ Grammar School. 7 Westlake Girls High School. 8 Takapuna Grammar School. 9 Western Springs College. 10 ACG Parnell College. 11 Sacred Heart College. 12 Long Bay College. 13 Rangitoto College. 14 St Peter‘s College. 15 Westlake Boys High School. 16 Botany Downs Secondary College. 17 Pakuranga College. 18 Mount Albert Grammar School. 19 Mount Roskill Grammar School. 20 St Mary’s College. 21 St Paul‘s College. 22 Waiheke High School. 23 Northcote College. 24 Rosmini College. 25 Orewa College. 26 McAuley High School. 27 Carmel College. 28 Kristin School. 29 King’s College. 30 Marist College. 31 Auckland Girls‘ Grammar School. 32 Avondale College. 33 Baradene College of the Sacred Heart. 34 ACG New Zealand International College. 35 Albany Senior High School. 36 Dilworth School. 37 Saint Kentigern College. 38 Elim Christian College. 39 Glendowie College. 40 Lynfield College. 41 Marcellin College. 42 One Tree Hill College. 43 Onehunga High School. 44 Corelli School of the Arts. 45 Papatoetoe High School. 46 Wentworth College. 47 Howick College. 48 Pukekohe Christian School. 49 Pukekohe High School. 50 Waiuku College. 51 Rodney College. 52 Selwyn College. 53 Glenfield College. 54 Birkenhead College. 55 Edgewater College. 56 Carey College. 58.Pinehurst School. 59 Sancta Maria College. 60 Saint Kentigern School for Girls - Corran. 61 Kaipara College. 62 KingsWay School. 63 Living Way Learning Centre. 64 Mahurangi College. 65 Hebron Christian College. 66 Hill Top School. 67 Michael Park School. 68 MindAlive. 69 Mount Hobson Middle School. 70 Odyssey House School. 71 Immanuel Christian School. 72 Hato Petera College. 73 Tau Te Arohanoa Akoranga. 74 Onewhero Area School. 75 Whangaparaoa College. 76 Al-Madinah School. 77 Alfriston College. 78 Ambury Park Centre for Riding Therapy. 79 Aorere College. 80 Auckland Seventh-Day Adventist High School. 81 De La Salle College. 82 Dingwall Trust School. 83 Tuakau College. 84 Wesley College. 85 Manukau Christian School. 86 Manurewa High School. 87 Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Mangere. 88 The Bridge Academy. 89 Tyndale Park Christian School. 90 Zayed College for Girls. 91 Mangere College. 92 Te Whanau o Tupuranga. 93 Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate Senior School. 94 Sir Keith Park School. 95 Southern Cross Campus. 96 Otahuhu College. 97 Tamaki College. 98 Tangaroa College. 99 James Cook High School ...


1 观察playground,同校学生的眼神是互相注视,还是互相不理。

2 多样化才有创造,你能不能找到学校鼓励多样化的证据。

3 他们如何判断成功,是以少数人的成就还是多数人的成就。

4 要求见他们最好的老师谈谈,如果校方说每个老师都很好,说明他们没思考过这个问题。

5 学生们心目中的榜样是谁?看看学生们推崇的同学是什么样的。

6 新学生是否在第一个月就交到朋友,这其实是成功的一个重要标志。

7 学校怎么看待学生犯错误?失败是成功之母,失败不应挫伤学生自信。

8 学生们能否经得起评估?他们能否说出自己做得如何好。

9 不同的学生是否能有不同的受教育速度。

10 学生们得到何种反馈,问一个学生看他知不知道今天学了什么。


1 中等以上的学术氛围。

2 丰富的管理留学生的经验。

3 合理的国际学生学费。


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